Tuesday, September 17, 2019

PET Scan results #2

Officially, this is PET scan #2 (since the first was when I was in the hospital to find all of the stuff in the first place).

    Just a general explanation that PET scans test for how reactive certain places on the body are to radioactive glucose. More reactive means that the cancer is more active. Less reactive means that the cancer cells are dying. Here are my non-scientifically explained results (science-types please email or text for specifics) :

  1. We met with my doctor's PA (physician's assistant) to go over the results, but my doctor poked her head in and said, "Did you get the phone call that your scans were very good?" (I didn't, but I'm hard to reach if I don't recognize the number).  Dr NP was obviously happy and excited about the scans. We were happy to hear her say, "Very good." 
  2. My rectal tumor has shrunk by 1/2 
  3. The spots in my liver are gone/dead/not reacting to glucose (so not there)
  4. All of the affected spots on my lymph nodes are shrinking and seem to be dying
  5. There are two spots on my hip/pelvic area that are most likely cancer but could also be bone repairing itself if the cancer that was in them is dying or has died. This was seen as positive. I'll have an MRI next week to confirm/figure it out. 
  6. I will definitely still have 8 more rounds of chemo every two weeks on Thursday beginning this Thursday (so until December). 12 rounds of chemo is standard of first round care for Stage 4 cancer.  
In a small, hopeful nutshell, I have had a "phenomenal" response to the first 4 rounds of chemo. (I'll also do a future post on the alternative things I am doing that could be helping). 

Thank you for caring how I'm doing. Thank you for reading this. 
Shawn and I realize now that we are "winning the battle but lots of war left" (Quote from Shawn). 
Thank you for praying. I am so grateful. 
Embracing the will of God as what's best. 

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