Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Mini-miracles with Pandora

Pandora is a "music streaming" site (all of this info is for my mother, whom I love). That means, I have an app on my phone that I can click and I can choose a theme or a musician and the app (Pandora) will play a random list of songs either from the artist I choose or with the same basic "vibe."

Some people like a similar service known as "Spotify" (I'm sure there are others, but I'm old). I just started with Pandora and I understand it, so that's my go-to music service. Also, I am nearly 50 and I don't care.

I explain all of this because I had some mini-miracles (how I describe stuff that seems amazing and "just.too.much.of.a.coincidence." but really only applies to me).

The other day, Shawn and I were listing to Pandora using the artist "Chris Stapleton" who is one of our favorite folky-rock-country musicians. Shawn and I saw him at RedRocks a few years ago and it was really one of my favorite concerts ever. A very special part of the show was that his wife, Morgane, preforms and writes with him. Chris and Morgane sang the song, "You are my sunshine" and it was very moving and filled with obvious love between the two. I linked to the song a few posts back (pre-chemo#4 Sept 4th) because the song had randomly come on Pandora while Shawn and I were talking about some intense things...the song took on a very profound meaning at that moment.

Well...the next day, Betsy (my friend) and aunt of Bridgette Sullivan (who I'm asking for prayers for me), wrote to tell me that "You are My Sunshine" was one of Bridgie's favorite songs. Betsy wrote:
[Bridge] had a ton of versions of it in stuffed animals, apps and other baby toys.
Because I didn't know that, I really think it was Bridge reaching out to me from heaven...helping me because she knew how much the chemo treatments are getting to me mentally.

Then, this morning, I was praying (in my usual way with adoration on my iPad and Pandora worship music on my iPhone) on the "Lauren Daigle" station. I was just talking to Jesus about some things...mainly how tired I am this time and how I will embrace all of this because I know God loves me...

and then "You are my sunshine" came on....by someone named Jasmine Thompson...

And I just felt like Bridgie was there. Telling me it will be ok and that she knows a thing or two about earthly suffering but that something so much better is waiting...

I'm not sure if the video will work...but this is Bridge. 

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