Wednesday, September 16, 2020

last-minute update

     It's been a while and we've been busy. I finished another 10 rounds of radiation (but on my right leg) on Monday. Simple radiation facts: you have to have it on consecutive days, It only takes around 5 minutes a session, the radiation machine itself is very high-tech and streamlined, for some reason that no one can explain (because it happens to no one apparently) radiation makes me not want to either eat or drink for the final week of treatment - side effects are cumulative - and I am slowly climbing out of a scary fight with severe dehydration. 

    Tomorrow morning, I have another round of chemo. I'm a little nervous about how all of the side effects are going to bash into each other in my system.

I also am craving prayers that I can make it to our youngest son's Confirmation on Saturday. It will be the  final Sacrament for the kids (that we are responsible for). 

Otherwise, things are going well. The boys are back in school face-to-face, five days a week. I have no opinion on masks or anything since I'm pretty much stuck in the house. I did read a few books, which made me feel accomplished. 

Getting a little tired. 

Thanks for prayers and love tomorrow. 

Our besties came back to visit over Labor Day. It was glorious! 

The Dads took the boys to Red Rocks

A fuzzy picture with my fuzzy hair

Jesus, I trust in You

Thursday, September 3, 2020

"Fear is a liar"

This week has been crazy and a little bit scary based on the news that Chadwick Boseman (the actor who portrayed the Black Panther) died after a secret 4 year battle with colon cancer. For some reason, it made the reality of the fight more tangible for (especially) my boys who loved his character. 

But everything is fine for me right now. I am in the middle of ten rounds of radiation on my right leg and it seems to be going well without too much difficulty. Radiation itself takes about 10 minutes, so it's actually the hassle of driving all the way to the office for such a short thing - EVERY DAY - that's the biggest struggle. Especially now that school has started and all of our drivers are busy running all over the city. 

Because school has started, we're back to listening to our "theology class" on the way to school with the boys. On the first day, we listened to a repeat that we'd missed and it was all on the topic of FEAR. It was so beautiful to Shawn and I that he said I should add it to the blog. it goes. 

 Catholic Sprouts

I'm still believing, still trusting, still working to stay here. But keeping my eyes on heaven as well.