Friday, August 2, 2019

Missing Out...

Karen told me that one of the hardest things for her about chemo was missing out on once-in-a-lifetime events. This weekend is one of those events for me.

My Aunt Kathy and Uncle Gary are celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary in Southern California this weekend. We were supposed to go back. We haven't been back for 6 years (maybe close to 7) and there are so many people to see (which is why it's been hard to plan a trip back)...but most of all, I will miss celebrating my Aunt and Uncle.

Kathy got me my first job out of college.
They both saw me through a series of dumb, train-wreck relationships.
They took me into their home (like almost 100 other people) when I needed to save money.
They loved Shawn the minute they met him. Our parents first met at their house.
Our engagement party was at their house. Two of my baby showers.
I stayed with them when I was ordered to stay on bed rest when we were visiting from Canada. They watched my boys after they arrived. Played with them. Loved them.
They came to flag-football games and t-ball games (the worst of all baseball games). They hosted Easter egg hunts and swim-party afternoons for all of the cousins.
We wanted to celebrate them. We wanted C and H to remember.
We wanted - so much - to see the cousins we left, love, miss.
We planned to see so many friends... most precious Shelia, who saved me when I was drowning in pregnancy and toddlers and living in Orange County (where I was most definitely not fit to be a Real Housewife)...

So we won't be there this weekend, but we will be there soon. Like September, God-willing😘
And thank you, Kathy and Gary, for loving me so well. For loving my family. For being beautiful examples of finding the love of your life and sticking with them "for better or for worse."
I love you.

 Shelia and H (as a baby with the curls!!)
 Mom and Kathy (my favorites)

Kathy and Gary

 Easter egg hunts and holding the H

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