Friday, August 16, 2019

"Feeling" Prayers

Yesterday was Welcome Back to School night for D. It was so great to see so many familiar faces and to spend time with dear, dear friends. D had a good time, even with his parent-mandated flip phone :)

I heard a few questions repeatedly, so I wanted to take these few minutes to answer:

1) I really do believe I feel your prayers. The only way to describe it is like "crowd-surfing" (when you jump off a stage into a crowd and they all put their hands up and carry you). It's very much like a trust fall, or when you had to jump off of something at camp while the person below held the rope that slows you're fall. In crowd surfing, you just feel hands (and think it's weird to have all of those people touching your rear). I have had a number of instances in these past two months where I just couldn't keep going - or I was just so sad that I felt like I had hit a brick wall of movement. I couldn't move. I had no motivation. It's the way I react to things sometimes. I freeze. But in every single instance, I had the experience (could actually almost hear) where a voice inside said, "No, let's get going. You can do this. You can get up. Let's walk. Let's write. Let's put the kids to bed and snuggle. Let's take a shower. Let's get to chemo. Just this once." Without a shadow of a doubt, It didn't come from me. The gentle pressure to "just move" was an outside-of-me thing. I think I only recognize it because it's quiet. I'm aware of the overwhelming amount of prayers. But that is when I know I feel them. I feel you. Please don't stop. Your prayers are how I keep going.


2) Short, sweet reminder of where I'm at -
(a) I will have the colostomy bag indefinitely (I'll let you know loudly if it is ever removed). It could be a life-long thing and I'm treating it that way for now.  
(b) I have just finished my second round of chemo. They are every two weeks on Thursday. Next chemo date is 8/22. I am normally pretty "out of it" for the 5 days after, but I seem to bounce back by the 6th day.
(c) The chemo I receive does not normally make people lose their hair (so far no loss) and germs are not a huge issue either (you most likely will not make me sick if you're fine)
(d) I am eating mostly a "plant-based" diet but I'd say I'm basically living as a "pescatarian" - a vegetarian who eats fish. Shawn has mandated a few more things (like protein shakes and eggs and occasional desserts for fun) so I don't lose any more weight.
(e) all three boys will be in traditional school in the fall (newsflash that we homeschooled last school year). It will help with rest but still makes me teary to see them leave.

That's it!! Heading to the cabin so out of pocket until Monday.
Jesus, I trust in You.

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