Thursday, October 10, 2019

Colorado Fall

I think we are really lucky if we end up living in the place we were always supposed to live. I moved 13 times before I graduated from High School (proud to be a military family, Dad!), so I know a thing or two about longing for a permanent home. Who could have known that that the perfect place for me would be Denver, Colorado? (obviously not Shawn and I since we've lived in 5 cities and 2 countries in our 19 years of marriage). 

I have absolutely never been happier with my "Place" as I am with my sweet little family in Denver, Colorado.   I "coincidentally" read an article at my acupuncturists' office about "forest bathing" - that it is healing people to spend time in nature. I am being healed (thank you, God) and I know one of the reasons I am being healed is spending time in spaces like this: 

Our "big tree" (that's our house)

My daily walking path in my neighborhood. Hallmark should seriously think about filming fall movies here. 
And one of the best/worst things about Denver? The amazing fall/autumn season can turn in one day to winter. FYI, I took the fall pics yesterday and these pictures this morning: 

Same street, morning snow. 

Drive to school (ugh, snow traffic and people proving they can still be speed racer in the snow).
But the snow is absolutely beautiful, will burn off in the next two days and has the added bonus of cancelling flag football practice so that our evening is less hectic. Good old fall snow...

Finally, for an update on how I'm doing (seems so narcissistic to me - so thanks for reading). I still have some side-effects this week (the cold is reeking havoc on my fingers) and everything tastes like sand (this ruining of the tongue and taste buds seems like a common chemo problem and I've heard it wears off eventually). This "not wanting to eat" leads to a general nausea that I'm positive is linked to basic hunger (but feels like a bad pregnancy mostly). Shawn was on a work trip for a bit (victory for normalcy!) but now he's home to insist I eat regardless of feelings. big victory this week is the fact that for the past few days I have totally felt "like myself." I'm active and social and making plans and connections and organizing and cleaning and doing dishes and laundry and yelling at kids about homework and swearing and their terrible love of vulgarity (yeah, young boys!) 

And I'm also proud that I'm back to working out (we have a Peleton Bike and love it). I was able to do a class today and my hip didn't hurt at all! This is a big step since we still don't know if it's cancer or healing in my hip socket. Good to get the oxygen either way. And my close friends will know that it's an insane psychological bonus that I weigh exactly 20 lbs less today than I did on this day last year. Cancer is not a diet plan that I'd recommend...but for some reason, I'm still happy about the weight loss (sorry, Dr. NP).  

Here's me with a shirt that was a gift that says, "Kiss My Grits" which is just totally hilarious to me for some reason.

** I plan to write a second post today because I've had some wonderful spiritual experiences this week, but I wanted to get this basic info out there first. 

Jesus, I still trust in you. 
Loving the weather & can't wait to ski, so Thanks for today. 

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