Thursday, October 3, 2019

A View in to my supplements

I'm just getting ready for chemo #6 - I feel great this morning and I've already helped C with his homework, ordered groceries on-line for Shawn to pick up and had a text conversation with D (who is on a week-long class trip to Washington DC). Life totally goes on.

It's been a busy week with life, so I have been posting much less. Here's to life, my friends. It's messy and tough sometimes, but it's awesome.

I have wanted to write a post on the supplements and alternative meds I'm taking for a while. I saw a meme that said that "your journey can turn in to someone else's roadmap" and I like knowing what other survivors did, so I will quickly document what I am doing now to help beat this cancer. This is really for research/scientific types:

I'm going to start with the craziest one first. A friend of mine who had her own brush with cancer was researching alternative treatments and came across this blog from a man named Joe Tippens I would encourage anyone interested (or who knows someone with cancer) to read Joe's blog and do your own research. Shawn and I read this when I was first diagnosed and we spent 3 days researching and then ordering products. Long story short-- Joe was given 3 months to live (terminal lung cancer) and then was connected with a vet product researcher at Merck. The researcher had found that when they de-wormed mice (used for cancer studies ) using this product, injected tumors wouldn't "stick." Joe had nothing to lose and started using it. Within three months, they could find no evidence of disease in Joe's body (NED). He has been totally cancer free for 3 years. Joe put all of his information out there and it's free and accessible to everyone. If you're questioning, you really need to read the blog (click on the link above). There are many people who have documented total cures while taking this product. It's a very long story and detailed, so reach out to me if you'd like to chat about it. The chemical is actually called "Fenbendazole" and it is generic (so no Pharma company will test it as it would be a waste of money for them). There is a sister drug known as "menbendazole" being tested at MD Anderson and other major cancer centers.

I've been taking this dog dewormer for 13 weeks now (so I don't have any worms) but I do believe that it's helping and aiding the chemo with the removal of my cancer. There are no side-effects so it's really a case of "what could it hurt?" My oncologist knows I'm taking it and she's actually excited to see how it might help (she's great).


Along with the Fenben, there is a protocol of supplements that I take (Joe's protocol). CBD oil; excellent e (basically all the vitamin e's in one) and curcumin (the chemical in turmeric). There are many anti-cancer properties in each of these. There is a great resource to Joe's protocol on Facebook. If you research his blog above, there is a link to the FB group (it's a closed group so you have to ask to be included).

After diving into the alternative treatments, I read this book:

This book is written by a woman who was also given a terminal diagnosis in her 30's. Because she was a researcher, she began researching why the cancer (that everyone has in their bodies) was somehow being "fed" by her cells. She has found "pathways" of the many types of cancer and gives recommendations as to how to block those pathways. Mainly, this is through diet but also "repurposed drugs" - drugs that are not known as cancer fighters but are patented for other things. She has been cancer free for 20 years. It's a fascinating book and I've included some supplements from her recommendations. This is a pretty technical book at the end. I'm still parsing through a lot of it. Some of the drugs need prescriptions and that will be something I look into after my next scans.


These are things I take because of Jane's recommendations: 1) baby aspirin. Did you know that there are extensive studies that taking a daily aspirin can actually prevent cancer? (2) berberine - which has been found to block all cancer pathways and starve them, similar to a recently developed chemo addition known as Avastin (3) grapeseed extract - grapes are one of the most potent cancer-fighters. This is also why a glass of red wine is perfectly healthy (a glass, not a bottle - though it's my preference :) Not sugary blends but high-quality reds are pretty good for you (but so are all natural grape juices & plain grapes, so go with what you prefer)

My oncologist recommended three natural supplements (B 12 not pictured). Lots of
evidence that these help with chemo side effects and energy. Alpha Lipoic is also a blocker (but oncologists can't say that because they can be sued for recommending something that "doesn't work" - also the FDA regulates every single thing they prescribe.) These were recommendations from my doctor and I think help me bounce back well after chemo.

My acupuncturist (I'm totally down with the ancient Chinese medical practices) recommended the above supplements. Evening Primrose to keep the moisture in my body (chemo dries out extremities really quickly). It has totally worked for me. Also, she supplies me with a blend of Chinese herbs that help during chemo &/or radiation. I have the list of what's in it, but unless you can read and understand Chinese, I'm guessing it won't help you - Sally, maybe your mom and help us!!) I also use a Chinese herbal mouthwash to help keep away mouth sores (complimented by daily Lourdes water, of course!)

Last 2 things: the IP- 6 that cleans out dead cells (gotta get them out once they're dead) and a book that is completely diet based.

Take-away tip - EAT A RAINBOW. GET PLANTS ON YOUR PLATE! Diet-wise I am 90%/10% eating a plant-based diet (with occasional - like once a week - wild-caught fish or organic chicken). I eat A LOT of carrots (these are another major cancer fighter) and dark berries (same). Green tea is the #1 cancer-fighting drink, so I always have a glass of this on hand. Pretty good with steamed almond milk. The one thing I cannot seem to quit is cheese. Cheese and a glass of wine are from heaven, I that's my huge splurge. Hoping the dog de-wormer can help with any bad side effects from that.

We are all focused on eating only "Whole Foods"ie: less than 5 ingredients (so not really processed).

I'm a little late right now, so I have to run!
Pray for my chemo today.
I am fighting as hard as I can with my brain, my heart and my soul.
I still think Jesus is doing most of the work.

*post was edited to "clean it up" and add some detail after yesterday's rush.

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