Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Chemo Class

I've been slow in updates. Mainly, this is because there is very little of interest to update.

1) I am recovering from surgery (pictures below - a little yucky - so spoilers). I can walk and eat and attend sporting events, movies and lunch dates with Shawn. 

2) I look normal to most people at this point. 

3)I have spent a week getting over myself. I have successfully pulled myself out of the rabbit hole that is the internet (There is good info on the internet but also there are countless ways that everything could totally and uncontrollably wrong). 

4) I am making the conscious choice "to get busy living" (as opposed to "getting busy dying" - thank you Shawshank Redemption). I have a weakness toward letting my emotions control my actions, but there is no virtue there. I have decided to make the best choice of action regardless how I feel.

5) I am rejoicing in the gifts of the people who are surrounding us: my boys, my parents, my brothers and sisters and Shawn's family, a meal train that is filled until September (WHAT?), Masses said every day by countless friends, Rosaries, people praying all over the world (I have the pictures to prove it), daily texts and emails, cards and pictures and IMs (I didn't even know I had that), FB posts and flowers...

6) and my "Chemo Class" where Shawn and I were led through the intricacies of chemotherapy. The fancy names, the mouth sores, the neuropathy, the fatigue, the diarrhea (as if the months leading up to this were not glamorous enough). The nurse who spoke with us was great. One of my chemo drugs will be administered over 2 days and she brought a sample pump that I will carry around so that we could look at it. She gave us lists and lists of things that will help and extra medicines I can take to help the various side effects. As a woman who barely takes Tylonol and Ibuprophen and has never had a "medicine list," looking at the meds I'll be on was the only time I cried.

But there was a tiny miracle. A good friend here (a school, church, mom friend) was an oncology nurse pre-kids and she delivered a care package right after we got home from the class. It was filled to the brim with all the food and snacks and drinks we were told to bring to the 1st chemo session. She said it was "for chemo" and she didn't know we'd be at the class today. She just knew we'd need it all. And knowing that she knows what will happen took away a bit of the lonely worry. And was the second time I cried.
This, is an ostomy bag. My colon is connected to this now. The bag is connected to my skin with a medical "sticker" called a flange. I connect the bag to the flange and it can be emptied and thrown away. Lift High The Cross :) (pic for Betsy and all those far away) 
This is the exact same outfit and I am wearing the bag, so you can't see it. It tucks in nicely and pretty much look normal. 

This is C, who made the All Star Team and will begin the tourney this weekend. We're so proud of and excited for him!! 

1 comment:

  1. Sending you so much love Bridgette! Thank you for sharing. The Lessards are praying for you!! XOXO
