Friday, June 28, 2019

Surgery #1 Down (Update)

I want to update everyone who is waiting quickly. Thank you for the messages and cards and flowers...

First, the surgery went well. A couple of people have asked if Dr N removed my main tumor (in my rectum) and the answer is no. The surgery was actually to divert my colon before chemo because this surgery would be much more complicated/serious after chemo. The hope is that chemo will significantly shrink my tumor leaving enough healthy margins for Dr N to save my digestive track in the long run (ie: not a life-long colostomy bag). This first surgery went well. Everything is working as it should and it is just normal "after surgery " a week or two of no driving, no lifting and taking it easy. Thank God my parents are here to help. 

Next, the PET scan confirmed two small cancerous spots in my liver and one in my right hip. The spots in my lungs are still too small to diagnose. None of this was new news and will not affect the treatment plan going forward. It freaks us out, for sure, but my doctors did not seem surprised or newly concerned. 

I met with the oncologist and she explained the chemo plan going forward. It is the national standard for care for stage 4 colorectal cancer with three types of medicine being given together with the hope that it will kill off all of the cancer floating around in my body and settling where it should never be. I will discuss that more in detail as we go on, but first I have to recover from this surgery. 

I'll begin chemo around July 18th. The positive side of this chemo is that I will most likely not lose my hair and many people are known to continue working while they receive treatments. This is the first main answer to my prayers because all I really want is to continue to mother my children and to have a semi-normal summer with them. Even though we are all worried about this process, God is allowing me to "keep moving" Which is what will keep me going and is true to who I need to be. 

A home health nurse will begin coming tomorrow and I'm looking forward to having answers on my recovery at this point. These changes are a bit overwhelming so I just keep putting one foot in front of the other while resting in the palm of God's hand. 
(woman in the picture is much more subdued than she may appear here) 


  1. Bridge, continuing to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I am so so glad to hear that your mom and dad are there! Keep posting! God has you. xoxo

  2. Mother Mary, Queen of all Saints, Pray for us and love on, cover and whisper all the needs of my dear friend into the ear of our merciful Savior, Jesus! XOXOXO
