Tuesday, June 25, 2019

"To Write Sacrifice on My Ankle" 1

There is a beautiful website called "To Write Love on Her Arms". It's a site to help teens and young adults who self-mutilate to change the cycle of thinking (You learn these things when you work with teen agers for awhile). 

I was inspired to "Write Sacrifice on My Ankle" 

 It's just initials of all of the people I will be praying for as I enter this first surgery. I think, since there are a lot of tattoos out there, that they might let me keep it (and it's sharpie, so only spray sunscreen can get it off). Please let me know if you'd like me to pray for an intention for you in all of this. I have a number of marriages on there, ALL of my family(which includes Shawn's, of course) and Ecclesia Denver for Fr N.  I just wanted you to know that I care for you as much as you are caring for us. B

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