Tuesday, November 26, 2019

2 Peter Challenge and a Very Special Visitor

First, my cousin, S (to the left of "hipster me" in this picture) has come to spend Thanksgiving with our family (but mostly me...ha. ha.) S came from Southern California with one of her best friends, G and G's daughter. S and I are first cousins and we both don't have sisters (only stinky boys always), so she has been like a sister to me - maybe closer. The best illustration of our relationship is the fact that they arrived around 2:00pm yesterday and S and I literally did not stop talking and sharing until midnight (once again, poor Shawn took care of everything like dinner and bedtime). And S and I will spend the next 5 days doing exactly that. There are just some relationships in our lives that are all gift and S is one of those gifts to me. I am so grateful to see her and spend time. She overcame a terrible fear of flying just to come and be here and my Thanksgiving is completely filled with Thanks two days early.

On to the 2 Peter challenge. I meant to post yesterday because it's a 7 day challenge...but oh well. I was reading this reading (2 Peter 1:1-11) yesterday (the words might be different in your Bible but they'll mean about the same thing):

"But to obtain a share in God's nature, you will have to do your utmost yourselves, adding:
goodness to the faith you have,
understanding to your goodness,
self-control to your understanding,
patience to your self-control,
true devotion to your patience,
kindness toward your fellow men to your devotion,
and, to this kindness, love..." 

This struck me as the perfect way to challenge myself this Thanksgiving (which can be chaotic and manic with visitors and preparations and people around who we don't usually see or interact with).
Anyone anywhere and any age can do this challenge. Here it is:

Monday (sorry it's late - double up if you can!)  I will do one good thing.
Tuesday (today), I will work to understand others
Wednesday, I will practice self-control (will help with the pre-cooking desserts!)
Thursday, I will use patience (so perfect for Thanksgiving, right?)
Friday, I will be devoted to Jesus all day and looking for ways to offer love to Him
Saturday, I will work to be more kind
Sunday, I will celebrate Love (of family, friends, the fact that Advent is starting).

There is no way to do this challenge wrong. It's all up to what you (and I) can do today. I am blessed to be surrounded with people I love this week, so maybe they will have to be patient with me...but I'll look for ways to complete each challenge every day. And it will be easy to repeat this weekly challenge all Advent until Christmas...it's a basic plan :)

 Here are a few more shots of everyone visiting

This weekend, we also had a busy few days! C was in a 2 day basketball tourney (they did very well)

We also had the pleasure of attending a beautiful wedding Sat. Our kids had to crash after our babysitter (D) went out with friends!

 Our buddy, Fr Nathan sat with us and basically joked around with my boys. Men...seriously. 

 Thank goodness one of my besties was there too!! 
 Lastly, it snowed about 12 inches last night (at least). S and C were out early shoveling for everyone. 
I seriously have the best husband and kids on the planet (feel free to argue your case b/c I'm sure you do too!!) 
 Making tracks like the movie "The Shining" in our driveway. I made the hot chocolate ;)

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