Monday, August 3, 2020

Never A dull MOMENT

Hip surgery went well. Honestly, it went great and was fast and the (different than regular) hospital was nice and the nurses were all in their 30's, so it was calm and enjoyable actually. My parent stayed with the boys, which was great and so we didn't need to worry. I was discharged without any issues on Thursday (just one night). After my last hospital stay, this was nothin' 
Here's me after my surgery! I can eat whatever I want (A Mary Beth Diet Coke cheers!)

Of course, nothing can just run smoothly around here ;) Friday before bed, I began running a temp of 102 degrees (on our little home thermometer - honestly, it never registered that high again). "Over 101" was the direction to return to the hospital. We couldn't get the temp to go down, so we started debating which hospital to go to....the one where Id had surgery an hour away or my "home away from home" Hospital right down the street. 

Eventually, we settled for the emergency room down the street. I wasn't even sure what was wrong at this point, so I wanted to "go where I know. "

Well, after a few hours in the emergency room - where I got a CT scan, a sonogram of my leg and every blood test you can think of- they still couldn't figure out where the infection causing my temp spike was coming from. 

Seriously, this is cancer, my friends. All this weird, unexplained stuff. 

What the ER doctor did decide is that I had to at least stay 24 hours while they grew cultures of any infections in my blood. 

So, I was off to the 8th floor. 

You know the one - I spent 2 months there in March and April? 

Because God is good, my GI specialist was on call and came to see me right away. The nurses recognized me one after the other ("Bridgette! You're back!") and I didn't have a blockage or weird pains...just a fever and explainable leg pain 

Oh, and Shawn could STAY! As long as he wanted. Which turned out to be until about midnight because he really did need some sleep.  But he was able to come back around 7am on Saturday morning and we were able to chat and call doctors to see what everything meant. 

Eventually, Dr N (my GI specialist ) pulled a few strings and got me out on Sunday. There was nothing anyone was doing in the hospital. Fr. Nathan did stop by and say Mass and we were able to chat and discuss what it all means. Because I might need to change my chemo plan again...but we're not sure. I am just so happy to be home and to hang out with my boys and Shawn. plenty of time for meetings about cancer, but I'll keep you posted. 

Jesus, I trust in You.


  1. Stay strong. Keep the faith. And never give up. Prayers are heading to the heavens on your behalf from CA! Love you.

  2. Love and prayers. Our men's group (Patrick, Jasper, Matt, Bob, Brendan and me) continually lifting you up Bridgette and Shawn and boys. Lots of love lots of prayers!
