Monday, July 27, 2020

Hip Surgery Wed

I feel like I've been putting off blogging which makes me sad. The truth is that we've been really busy (cancer busy - not "fun trip" busy). First, I finished up with my left hip radiation. The pain has definitely lessened and we're hoping that the radiation will help kill that cancer.

Wed, July 22, was Shawn and my 20th wedding anniversary. We celebrated with dinner with the boys and by praying the Rosary with me in my pajamas. I had plans of Hawaii and/or Cabo and swimming and dancing. Actually, we were thinking we were going to throw a big party for our family and friends...but my LEAST favorite "C's" (Cancer and Covid) cancelled all of that.

 I also did see the Orthopedic surgeon and he said it was fairly urgent that I have a rod (they say pin, but it's a rod) put into my right femur to keep the bone from fracturing.

Quite frankly, I'm fairly stuck in my house right now because my doctors have said not to use my leg too much and not without a walker (not the cool modern commercial walker, but the old lady silver kind that needs tennis balls).

Praise God that my youngest brother, Tim, came to visit over the weekend:

And Sunday afternoon, my parents officially moved part-time to Denver (3 months on - 3 months off) and another of my brothers, Mike,  helped them drive out and move in to the beautiful tiny house they bought (not a "tiny" tiny house- the actual size of the house). It's been a fairly full house since Sunday and it's so good to have other people here to buffer the emotions and decisions. And Mike is a trainer with a lot of knowledge, so he was able to give a lot of advice and he could also just hang out with Shawn.

Going forward, I have surgery at 7:30am MST on Wed 7/29. The plan is for me to spend one night in the hospital. And - little miracle - Shawn can stay and visit all day. It's pretty great timing. I'm scared it will hurt but we've been praying that it happens quickly if it's God's will. Covid makes scheduling iffy everywhere.

The one beautiful moment we had (I'm going to try and get the video my brother took) was the serious, solemn blessing Fr Nathan gave us for our 20th anniversary. You can only get these blessings on significant anniversaries. It was beautiful.


  1. Oh Bridge--I'm praying, praying, praying for you! You have very much been on my heart! This too shall pass! God is good, kind and merciful! May He grant you strength and courage and healing!

  2. Lifting you Bridgette and all that beautiful family up in continual prayer! Doran Christa and family.

  3. Happy 20th Anniversary to the two of you! I'm praying for you all.
