Sunday, July 19, 2020

General Update

It's been about 17 days since I posted...there are a lot of small things happening. First, my MRI showed that my right hip has significant cancer spread and is in danger of fracturing. I see the Orthopedic surgeon on Thursday and he'll most likely recommend that I have a pin put into my hip. Until then, I am using a walker to keep my hip safe.

My 10 sessions of radiation on the left hip are 1/2 way done. There is not much to the radiation in general. So far, I still have pain in the hip, so I hope that the next four sessions take the pain away.  We'll see.

Everything seems to be going well with the new chemo. So far so good, I guess.

We were blessed to have a special guest of sorts in our house...a lovely man here has a giant statue of Mary that was sent to him from St. Pope John Paul II. Karl (the owner) brings the statue to people who need prayer. We prayed the Rosary everyday as a family. It was a blessed week.

As we travel far into the summer and everyone wonders what the fall will bring, we are trusting that God holds the future. We've been enjoying time as a family and short visits from friends we love. My parents will be here soon and Shawn and I have a big anniversary coming.

Also, I've been holding on the the words of Jesus to St. M Faustina
"...the greater the misery of a soul; the greater it's right to my mercy..." 1182
I'm hoping for all of that mercy right now.


  1. Thanks for the update. I am still praying my chaplets for your healing. God bless you!

  2. What a beautiful gift to have such a huge Mary with you. Praying for you and your family.
