Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Chemo #3 update after 1 treatment

 I realize it's been a while since I updated. Mainly, we've been working through the side effects of the new chemo - diarrhea and possible rash. The hits just keep on coming! 

My walking has gotten better as my legs get stronger and I've graduated to a cane from the walker (praise God). I will most likely begin radiation on my right leg soon because if any of the cancer in my joints grows, it will make the surgery void (which would be bad). 

My last IV chemo went pretty well. I was very fatigued but felt ok over all. 

A few of Shawn's colleagues from Houston flew up to have meetings and visit and brought frozen meals to us! What a blessing Shawn's co-workers are! We got a little teary at their generosity. 

Overall, it has been a good two weeks. 

We are gearing up for all three boys to attend "in-person" school over the next two weeks, but I will only believe it when I see it. 

Shawn insisted on the Tebow shirt. Really? 


  1. Loved seeing your a picture of your beautiful smile!!! Keep on keeping on!!
    God Bless
    Alexander family

  2. Still praying for you every day. Keep up the good fight!
