Friday, December 20, 2019

PET #3 scan results & Chemo #11 +1

Short one today since it's chemo day +1 and I'm a bit tired...but I've gotten a few messages and know it's time. Thanks for praying and waiting. 

Side note that Nashville visit and doctor were amazing and exactly what I was hoping...but that will get i's own post ASAP. 

Dr Cantrell (in Nashville) was the first of all of my doctors to tell me that I actually have "a very aggressive form of colon cancer". The cells are "non differentiated" which means that they are mutating quickly enough to not be easily diagnosed as colon cancer anymore.  I realize now that this was why I've had a few doctors speak to me as if my death was imminent. I guess from a practical stand-point, they were justified in their negativity. It might seem weird, but I'm really grateful that Dr NP (my oncologist here) has always said that my cancer is "serious" but "people's bodies are different and you can't know how they'll react until they do or don't." She (Dr NP) has always been positive - I knew God brought us to her and I have the scans to prove it. 

So, Dr. Cantrell was going over my results with us while we were in Nashville and Dr. NP went over them with us before chemo these scans are well covered

First, my colon is appearing like a totally normal colon. This means that my rectal tumor seems completely gone. There was no activity there and no activity in the lymph node near it. Both doctors said to assume there are micro cancer cells remaining (but just to be clear, I have resigned myself to knowing that I will have micro cancer cells remaining for the rest of my life, which is where Dr. Cantrell comes in - more on that tomorrow). But, the amazing news is that my rectal tumor and cancer activity there are gone. Your prayers have power. 

Next, my liver remains completely clear. Cancer still gone. 

I have one chest lymph node that lit up on the scan but both the radiologists and my two doctors think that this is inflammation, not cancer. They think I might have a little chest cold/winter issues because it didn't react the same as cancer. We'll watch it but Dr. NP was like, "I don't think it's cancer" (and this is her specialty). 

The 3 hip mets (tumors) are still there, but have significantly shrunk. Their slow change was explained as "blood flow - so chemo flow- is slow to bones. It's working, but more slowly." Dr NP is adding a bone med to my next (and hopefully final) chemo (#12) which she said has shown promise with both bone strengthening as well as attacking cancer in the bones. I am totally peaceful that it's all going the way it should. That silly hip (with my spiritual thoughts on it) does not surprise me. 

So plans going forward? Best news is that I will take a "chemo break" for sure after #12 (on Jan. 9, 2020). At least a month off of chemo. I will meet with my GI doctor who will run the tests to confirm the positive news about my rectal tumor. Specific prayers are begged that he finds nothing - nada - zip and will let me move forward without any removal of my rectum. I'll talk more about that all later. My goal is that I will have one surgery that will reverse my bag and I'll be back to using my rear for what it's intended (twerking and being patted by my children, obviously). 

These upcoming months (Jan - March) will be BIG in all of this. A quick background that Dr Cantrell is the doctor who has been using repurposed FDA approved drugs to cure his cancer and continue his own life for 19 1/2 years. Dr NP has already committed to continuing my blood work and scans here with her practice regardless of what we choose. As a Standard Care Oncologist, she will be recommending life-long chemo in some sort (we discussed it yesterday), and I will remain open to God's will in all of this (He's been good with making things clear for cloudy-brain me). 

All I know is that GOD IS SO GOOD TO ME. Today's Gospel (read at all Catholic Masses throughout the world today) is the one where Mary tells the angel, "Behold, I am the Handmaid of the Lord, let it be done to me according to your word." I always picture Mary just looking at the angel and basically letting go of control (and she was a well-raised Jewish girl, so control is in her DNA). She was young, unmarried and God was giving her this baby...and she was like, "What?...OK..." Cancer is nowhere near as awesome as a baby, but the subtext is the same. When I first got my diagnosis, I knew God had a reason He allowed it to happen (not caused it - that's the stupid devil who hates us). I told God I'd do what He wanted and believe this was not about my imminent death (because I really didn't think it was or is). I never knew until this week that my cancer was aggressive. That those doctors were really serious when they told me to "get my kids into counseling." They were even probably right in a world-based way. I just keep saying "...ok..." and following my gut and prayer. God led me to Dr NP (who is amazing and open and frazzled b/c she cares) and then Dr Cantrell and maybe my helping to find a new way to fight cancer (a way cheaper- very-low-side-effects way, FYI)

In a nutshell ("look, it's me in a nut shell!") I had amazing scans, an outstanding reaction to chemo over the last 8 weeks and a hopeful visit to Nashville. 

Your prayers are working. They are creating miracles for me and my little family. I am overwhelmed by love and's a seriously powerful Christmas time here in Denver. 

Lastly, please pray for 2 babies who are very important to precious God Daugher, Charlotte (17 months) will need to have a second open heart surgery to repair a valve that has given out. 
Me and Char...

Secondly, a wonderful young missionary couple we sponsor had a miraculous (this deserves its own post) adoption happen this last week. Their little baby, Xavier, also needed open heart surgery which Xavier came though safely but he will be in recovery for the next 3 weeks. Please pray for Xavier and his mommy and daddy (I'll need to check with them about posting anything more). 

It's a wonderful work-up to Christmas here. Now to wrap presents until I pass out (literally) and hope these side-effects keep at bay. 

1 comment:

  1. So grateful my friend. My prayers will continue for you!
