Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Chemo #10 tomorrow

Today, I did 5 loads of laundry and totally cleaned out our office (last year's homeschool classroom). There was a time that those activities would have made me tired and irritated. Today, I am just so excited and happy to have that kind of energy. It was a total gift to spend the day working (with an added bonus of running a grammar book to school that was forgotten...that's still a little irritating, honestly).

I put a quick post on Facebook that I've lost my hair (well....that I'm mourning the loss of my hair). To be clear, I still have hair...but it is very thin. You can see my scalp through my hair. The pictures I post here are "Hollywood magic" because I am wearing a hair piece in most of them. My stylist (fancy name for hairdresser) bought, cut and colored a hair piece from a company called "hair U wear"  (click on the name to see what products they have). Julie (my stylist) is a total gem. I promise to do an actual post on the hair piece because it's pretty cool even if you don't have cancer hair loss. I'm totally keeping it so that I can look like a Kardashian post chemo.

Suffice it to say that most of the time, I walk around with a cap of some sort on my head (this is a sleeping cap:

The fake hair lets me look like this (FYI, all of the long darker hair is the hair piece...the thin light strands are mine: 

I love my stylist, Julie, and I am so grateful for her persistence in finding something that would make me feel confident when I want to dress up (or just ditch the cap). Even during cancer, I remain a princess at heart.

Tomorrow I will have my tenth chemo treatment. I have been mentally avoiding it and relishing the extra week off. I don't feel "better" per se, but I have had a lot of energy and drive to get things done (so I've done about 50% of what I planned - ha).

Today in prayer, I held on to these two readings. The first, from Hebrews 10:35 - "Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward..." and then a reading about Christmas from the Catechism (of the Catholic Church which is like our text book of what it means to be Catholic):
526. To become a child in relation to God is the condition for entering the Kingdom. For this, we must humble ourselves and become little. Even more: to become "children of God" we must be "born from above" or "born of God". Only when Christ is formed in us will the mystery of Christmas be fulfilled in us...
I will embrace chemo like a child. I will assume that there will be cartwheels someday and that healing is in my future. In today's Gospel (Matthew 15: 29-37) it says ..."They placed them at His feet and He cured them..." a good precursor for tomorrow. I still believe Jesus is healing people who are placed at His feet. That's me.

St M Faustina told Jesus that she wanted (782) "to worship you with my very weakness..." So, I might cling to my hair, but my weakness will be all for Christ.

(Chapter 4 of Luke and 4 mins of silence...)

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