Thursday, May 14, 2020

Scan and sickness updates and the End of School

Our eldest finishes Elementary school today - last day of classroom instruction for 8th graders at his school. We are all pretty excited about it and especially, D. It is so strange not to know what the fall holds and how the beginning of High School might be for him.

Stupid pandemic. I don't know about you, but I'm done with this whole thing.

Late posting of my last GI scan results: it looks like my GI tract is healing - PRAISE GOD - and I can now eat real foods and use my bottom like regular people. I mean, seriously, PRAISE GOD. I am still on the evening liquid nutrition and an every-8-hour IV which I receive through a pick line. Pick lines are similar to ports and everything that is administered goes straight into my blood stream. Shawn is responsible for connecting all of these things. We pray every night that we are almost done with my extra attachments.

A healthy GI also means I was able to have chemo last Thursday. Sadly, in the time it took to heal, most of my cancer has returned. Not the rectal tumor, ironically and gladly. A girl can only talk about her rectum so much. But that hip met (spread) has become a real problem. Please pray (or send positive thoughts) that my chemo can catch up with the cancer.  The chemo worked powerfully for me the last time, so there is still a lot of hope around here. I have also begun the repurposed medicine again which should work powerfully with the chemo.

Simultaneously, Shawn and I (and often our boys) pray the Rosary daily for my healing. I live-stream the prayer ministry of the Intercessors of the Holy Trinity on Tuesday nights. I have begun the Surrender Novena again because we believe that Jesus can heal me totally. I am not the kind of girl who can say that this means He will, because I know that people die. But He can and I will beg that He Does so that I can stay here with my boys and the Love of my Heart.

In all of this, I am most grateful to be at home and to be in a place that I am loved and cared for so well. I wish we could travel and spend time with the people we miss so much. We miss our extended families. We miss our friends.

We are praying for everyone who reads the blog and I beg you to pray for me and our family. God is Good and Loves us. Jesus, I trust in You.


  1. Praying, praying, praying. So much love to you dear Bridgette!!!

  2. Praying for every time I read these reviews or see your sweet family somewhere, or think about Matty and Carter playing in less weirdy times. Praying. ❤️❤️❤️

  3. Praying for you so much, Bridgette!
