Thursday, December 3, 2020

Have A Holly Jolly Christmas!!

 Not sure if anyone but me has noticed all of the claymation movies making a resurgence on TV this Christmas.

There have been a lot. I know you needed to hear that!!

I have to take a minute and say that the Oxycodone is taking its toll out of me mentally. Seriously, SAY NO TO DRUGS, KIDS!! I also saw in the news that a teenager overdosed on what she thought was Oxy but her supplier spiked it with something else. It freaked me out.

 The effects on my mind  make it so Shawn has to edit all of my medical info. Also, I just asked him where "The guy from Virginia went." It freaked both of us out.

Now, a quick update of what is going on with my treatment:

Officially, Envita has not started treating me yet. I go through the "new patient" orientation (for lack of a better word) tomorrow at 10am. We were told that it takes about 5 hours. I will also have some treatments during this time.

Yesterday, I had a giant panel of labs done. This included the nurses drawing about 35 vials of blood. A few vials came from an IV they placed and the rest came from my port (which I still have). Obviously, this had a rough effect on my day and night. I'm still working at getting everything rested and out of pain.

The VERY good news is how much I'm eating. I gained 6 lbs as of yesterday. It was pretty exciting.

The general plan looking forward is that I will be here for the next 2 full weeks (until the weekend of 12/18). We are waiting for Envita to schedule a procedure that could signficantly help the pain in my left side. If I weren't in so much pain, I might not push through the scheduling hassles to work it out. But we are praying for a "pain free Christmas with my boys." This might be one of their top prayers - "to have Mommy back." Or, at least able to get around and things. 

That pain procedure is called both osteocool and radio frequency oblation. Sorry that you might have to look those up on your own. I'll explain more when Im about to go through it.

Along  with the pain procedure, I'll have a number of  IV infusions of many of the repurposed drugs I was already taking. They should be quick and the prodedures easy, but I have to do them everyday! I'll try to get some pictures because the rooms are loud and nobody seems to care if you use your phone - they are, of course, obsessed with Covid so Shawn can't come in and talk. That made me sad yesterday.

I think I've gotten the pictures to upload, so I'll try here!

The front waiting room. It's pretty busy and there doesn't seem to be a lot of room to hang out or quiet places to chat.

Me waiting in the waiting room
Shawn also in the waiting room but this is more an excuse to take "info" pictures 

Still hoping and trusting! Trying to kick the pain!! 

Jesus, I trust in You.

1 comment:

  1. God bless you Bridgette with no pain and a full miracle healing.
    Love in Christ,
