Sunday, December 20, 2020


 Five days with no I am listing again to keep you up to date. 

-the procedure Dr A ended up doing was completely different than what had been planned. It did help alleviate some of my pain, but it turns out the hip area we were hoping he’d treat was too large for one type of procedure and will need to be treated Monday. 

- my biggest fear going into Dr A was all of the questions around how he would evaluate the drain and how he’d know whether it’s safe to remove or not. Dr A actually agreed and is setting up a consult with a surgeon to help evaluate how we can get it out. The drain is not out but there is light at the end of the tunnel. 

- Friday, I had a blood transfusion and it was supposed to “help immensely” but didn’t seem to do all of that much. My niece arrived to help and keep us company, which was great. 

- over the weekend, we were told to focus on getting my “system regular” which is the story of my life at this point. I was taking numerous laxatives and drinking as much water as my body would stand and eating like crazy. By Sat (last) night around 10pm, I had still not gone, my stomach was bloated and we had spoken to the on-call Envita doctor twice. In the end, he told us to go to the hospital so that I could be evaluated. By 1am, a chest extra, an abdominal CT scan and a number of blood tests later, it turns out I have: an abdominal blockage probably caused by cancer in my GI tract (not sure about size) and COVID. 

So, I have been admitted to the covid ward of the hospital and I’m waiting to see a specialist and my Envita doc (I hope). The best news is they would rather have covid patients go home to recover, so I’m not trapped in here like I thought at first if my vitals stay up. Shawn is sure there is other good news. 

I am not afraid because I am in the shadow of Him Who loves me. Cancer is not great. But I am not alone. 

Jesus, still trusting in You. 

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