Monday, June 15, 2020

One year anniversary of diagnosis

I was first diagnosed with cancer on June 14th of last year. So much has happened in the world lately that I can't even say if it's gone quickly or slowly.

I can say how grateful I am to still be alive.

We went to the cabin Sunday. It was really great. Just sitting in the beauty makes me feel closer to God.

This week is incredibly medically busy. I have a PET scan tomorrow to see how everything is working. Wednesday, I have a check of the drain I've been wearing for a few months. Hopefully, what ever was wrong is totally healed and I'll have the drain removed. Thursday, another round of chemo.

Shawn and I have been reflecting on the changes of this one month with my health. I am still working hard to build my strength, but I am doing much better than even a month ago. This gives me hope. I was able to ride a 4-wheeler today and help do some dishes...
So I go that going for me.

Jesus, I trust in You. Mary, please pray for me.


  1. I know I have been very distant but I am praying for you daily. Love you, Christa

  2. Hi there, I'm sorry I have been invisible this last year, but please know I love you and I'm praying for you daily. Christa O

  3. Still reading your blog, and still praying my chaplets for your healing and your peace!

  4. We are Praying for you everyday Bridgette, God Bless ��❣
    Max is doing fine��

  5. I think of you ev am glad you can eat more and gt outside Wishing you well Patsy
