Monday, February 17, 2020

Colonoscopy #2 update

A very quick post to tell everyone that I'm so excited! My GI specialist (aka Dougie Houser) found no cancer cells left in my rectum/colon. He said it's basically "a regular colon." He was very exited and produced pictures to prove his lack of findings. He even said, "So...bag reversal next Tuesday?" He was dead serious...and I was bummed that I had to put him off because Shawn and I are headed to Nashville next week.

Actually, Shawn will be out of town for work tomorrow (which was the first day I could have had the surgery)...I have a PET scan on Wednesday...then we leave for Nashville next week. It's an eventful week of answers, I hope.

Still, the most incredible news is that THE BAG'S DAYS ARE NUMBERED. I am so grateful to God that I will be able to live without this "friend."  I will most likely schedule the surgery in early March, because there is a bit of recovery involved. Looking forward, I should have my normal stomach and rear end back and working before summer (can you say: "Mexican vacation?").

And I cannot express how grateful we all are that the my main tumor is totally gone. We will see how the PET scan turns out, but it looks as though the cancer might be in a bit of retreat (It's hard to even write this as an Irish-American cynic). But, I am feeling great physically and all of my doctors are feeling very optimistic.

I continue to trust in God. I'm looking forward to Lent (which begins 2/26) and 40+ days of really reflecting on these last 7 or 8 months since everything has changed.

Hope you had a happy Presidents' weekend!!

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