Wednesday, October 7, 2020

God is Good

 God is Good. 

I am not going to apologize for the long gaps between posts, even though it's honestly just avoidance on my part. 

Obviously, a lot has been happening with my finishing radiation, restarting chemo and having a Pet scan (last Wednesday). I've also had a lot of visitors which has been exciting and fun. 

But, where do I stand with the cancer? It was a "mixed result" scan. Some places showed the cancer slowing/going but there were some new places where cancer had grown. It was a strange few days as we tried to navigate what that means. Generally, we all think the chemo is working and I will continue on this chemo for at least 4 more treatments (and then a scan). I am generally tired but trying to stay active and eat as much as possible every day. Your prayers and thoughts are very much appreciated. 

With all this being said, it's a little vague where I am. I have seen all my doctors and they are cautiously hopeful. 

I am OK. I am not afraid or freaking out. I'm just working at being alive everyday. But I believe I was made for a life after this...and I believe God is good. 

So we keep trucking. 

And family keeps visiting. We love it!! 


  1. Oh Bridgette! Please know that you are in our daily prayers! I don't want to second guess your doctors, but maybe it's time to start taking the de-worming pills again? It can't hurt can it? God bless you and keep you, my friend! Continue to be not afraid!

  2. Continued prayers Bridgette for YOU for healing miracles abundance of grace and ALL the family as well. Love and prayers. The Oancias.
